Ritika Vastani has successfully passed her PhD viva in April 2024.

Zheng Xie has successfully passed his PhD viva in February 2024.

Jia Guo has successfully passed his PhD viva in February 2024.

Prof. Stephen Skinner has been elected as a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2023.

Yu Zhou has successfully passed his PhD viva in August 2021.

Zijie Sha (Jerry) has won a Young Scientist Award for his outstanding paper presented at the European Materials Research Society in June 2021.

Stephen Skinner has been appointed as "Ceres Power/RAEng Research Chair in Electrochemical Devices for a Zero Carbon Economy".

Chen-Yu Tsai has been awarded the John Kilner Prize for Energy Materials for his PhD thesis work.

Chen-Yu Tsai has successfully passed his PhD viva in September 2020.

Zijie Sha (Jerry) was awarded the Walter Hancock Endowment (travel grant) in February 2020 as well as the RSC SSCG student travel grant in April 2020.

The group successfully hosted the SOIFIT/Harvestore joint consortium workshop and conference "The Power of Interfaces" which was held at The Royal Society, London, March 2020.